

JAE Truly Thankful, Happy 60th Anniversary

– Contribution to Akishima City; Commemorative dividend; Establishment of a financial incentive system for acquiring an in-house skill test certificate –

  August 20th of 2013 was the 60th anniversary of Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd. Since the establishment in 1953, foreseeing the future development of the aviation electronics industry, JAE has, under the corporate philosophy of “Explore, Create, and Practice,” established and globally developed three business lines, namely, connectors, aerospace equipment, and user interface devices, and made contributions to society. All thanks goes to our customers, and stakeholders including shareholders. We are very grateful for them all.
  For the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the company, to express our gratitude to the local community and the shareholders, we decided to make a contribution to Akishima City, where our Akishima Plant is located, and to award a commemorative dividend. Moreover, for the purpose of further improvement of “manufacturing technologies” as a manufacturer, we have established a financial incentive system for acquiring in-house skill test certificates.
  We will continue to work toward the creation of a productive society under the global slogan “Technology to Inspire Innovation” through the partnership activities with our customers to develop creative products.
  1. Contribution to Akishima City
      Today, August 20th, we will make contribution of 10 million yen to Akishima City, where our Akishima Plant is located.
      In 1959 Akishima City was inviting factories to the Nakagami District. JAE acquired a site in the said district to build a new factory for business expansion. Since then, Akishima Plant has been at the core of JAE Group to develop our business. We are truly grateful for the support and guidance of Akishima City that JAE is rooted here in this city and has managed to continue business operations. In August of 2003, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of our company foundation, as a contribution for local community benefit, we presented a donation of 10 million yen for projects relating to welfare and disaster prevention on which Akishima City has focused. This contribution for 2013 is the third in a series of contributions made following the second gift in August 2008, our 55th anniversary. The contribution this year will be spent to support the disaster prevention project, the school education project, and the youth development project.
  2. Commemorative dividend
      Our flagship connector line has captured the demand for the growing fields of smartphones, tablet PCs, and automobiles, which has resulted in growth of profits. The performance in the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March, 2014 is expected to remain solid under the current economic environment. As a token of our gratitude to all of the shareholders who have supported us, in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of establishment, JAE has decided to award a dividend of 3 yen per share to shareholders as of the end of September in addition to an ordinary dividend of 5 yen per share for mid-term dividend payment for the fiscal year ending March, 2014.
  3. Establishment of a financial incentive system for acquiring in-house skill test certificates
      JAE group has worked to ensure technological capabilities and skills in Japan and a steady and solid domestic production based on in-house production. As part of our activities, we set up a “Global Techno-Center” in April 2005 in order to improve technologies and skills. We encourage employees working at the Akishima Plant and domestic affiliated production companies to acquire skill test certificates through cross-sectional technical leadership, etc.
      As a result of these activities, a total of 534 skill test certificate holders, namely 21 expert technicians, 166 first level technicians, and 347 second level technicians, in the entire JAE group in Japan are playing active roles in their workplaces.
      This new financial incentive system aims to actively develop the training instruction system along with affiliated production companies within Japan to further reinforce the measures taken so far. The following financial incentives will be provided to those who have newly acquired a certificate.

Expert technician             500,000 yen
First level technician       200,000 yen
Second level technician  100,000 yen


- 日本・总公司 -

Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd. 
Corporate Planning and Investor Relations Div.

21-1, Dogenzaka 1-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0043, Japan
Tel : +81-3-3780-2711 Fax : +81-3-3780-2733
